Feature Request – User Management

  • This topic has 16 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1120476
    Keerti Ojha

    Can we have a feature like users can log in to book and view their previous stays, bookings, and cancellations on the account page?

    S Squared

    Upvote from me, well needed

    Rachel Brown


    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated. We already have such a feature request and I have added all your up-votes to it. We might consider implementing this feature in one of the plugin future updates if there are more requests from other users.


    Andy Ward

    I’m CERTAIN that I have voted for such a feature before. Perhaps you need to review feature requests and combine those that are effectively asking for the same things even if they may have different titles.

    So, user management, customer accounts – whatever. WE NEED this facility as a priority as it allows us to build better relationships with our customers.

    Please consider this a BIG up vote from me. Also, any news on where this is in your development cycle?


    Upvote! This is a must needed feature.

    Thomas Hallwright

    Upvote please

    Andre Flores

    Hello Andy,

    Yes, your up-vote has been counted already from another topic.
    I have added all the up-votes to the feature request.


    Antoine Leblais

    also needed for Villagio

    J. Davis


    We are happy to notify you about the new release of the Hotel Booking plugin 4.2.0 where the guest may register an account while making a reservation and view his/her bookings. Thank you for your upvotes and patience.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Gaetano Passaro

    Hello everyone, I took a look at the new account feature. I did a test and with a registered account the hypothetical customer manages to enter the bulletin board (even if he can not do anything). The links at the top of the board and calendar sync appear. Then anyway the Dashboard links, Reservations e
    Account, present in /my-account/ do not work.
    Thank you

    Valeriia Bavykina

    Hi Gaetano! Thanks for your note. I’m sorry but I’m not sure I understand, any chance you could provide a little more detail? A screenshot would be super helpful as well. We’ll do our best to help. Please create a ticket here and we’ll contact you as soon as possible.

    Igor Raznatovic
    • Below is the link to screenshot of “My Account” page. It does not display any useful information for a client. The links Dashboard, Bookings & Account do not lead anywhere. What is the problem?

      My Account page

    • Also, registered users do not have some a phone number in their details. This date is crucial for later communication with the guests.
    • Maybe you could implement a social login – with Google account, at least?
    Igor Raznatovic

    My Account page

    J. Davis

    Hi Igor,

    When a new customer makes a reservation, there is created a customer and tied user on your site. Then the customer gets login information to his account where he can view his booking and the information he filled in on the checkout page (name, phone, email, etc).
    If it was an existing user who later made a booking (e.g. admin) then there is added a customer to the site and you need to link this customer with an existing user. For this, you need to edit Customer and indicate ID of the related User.
    Note: if you use the Checkout Fields Editor addon on your site and you added custom fields then the information is not added to the customer account. The integration between accounts and the checkout field editor addon will be enhanced in one of the next updates.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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