Exporting Bookings and Hotel Booking Reports Cost Breakout

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  • #923741
    Ryan Labelle

    Hi there! Just a question about tax data in the export.

    We are exporting Bookings from the Hotel Booking > Bookings > Reports feature for accounting and tax reporting purposes, which is required quarterly in our locale. However, there is not a way to export the breakout of the booking details – meaning the individual amounts of the accommodation, accommodation taxes, fees, services, etc. All you can get is the total paid. We are using the built-in Stripe gateway direct from Hotel Booking – not using WooCommerce.

    Do you know of a way around this? In searching the forum, I have seen a recommendation to “WP All Export” to some customers – we have used that in the past, but while it can export the detailed table data it would need to be parsed out of the _mphb_booking_price_breakdown container in the Bookings table.

    J. Davis

    Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for your feedback. We have added your request to our list of features and we will update this topic if we have any news about it.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Ryan Labelle

    Thanks for the update J

    Thomas Kolnowski


    Thank you again for adding this to the list. My hotelier client has this problem today, and the only way for him to capture tax information is to manually go into all MotoPress booking details each month and copy the individual cost breakout values into an Excel spreadsheet.

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Thomas!

    Thanks for your vote, it has been counted!


    Kerry Miller


    Kerry Miller

    Hi Motopress team, is there any update on this?

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Kerry!

    Our developers are currently busy with other priority tasks, so this feature request is on hold at the moment. We are collecting up-votes from other users in order to learn how popular this request is, and currently there are only a few. Once there are any updates, we will immediately let you know.



    Hello, please add us to the vote to add these features to reporting. Seems like and important feature that should be available for standard reporting. Everyone making bookings is required to collect and pay taxes, so presumably it is a feature everyone could use. It would be as simple as adding tax and fee data fields on the invoice to the reporting option.

    If anyone has a suggested workaround that you be great. Only other option we can think of is to create MySQL report and schedule.

    Regards, Brent

    Andre Flores

    Hello Brent,

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted as well.


    Joshua Stewart

    Please add my vote for this feature

    Nancy Cavanaugh

    Add my vote as well. Reviewing tax information is a priority for my vacation trailer rental client.

    J. Davis

    Hi Nancy, We have added your upvote too. Thanks.


    Upvote for us please!

    J. Davis

    Hi, This feature has been already resolved and taxes can be exported in CSV reports. Please let us know what exactly feature you vote for?

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