Export to Google Calendar/Airbnb issue

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  • #825284
    Gabriel Eloy


    I am trying to export accomodation calendars to Google Calendar and Airbnb but I keep encountering the same problem: the calendar seems unreadable. I used the export link in the “Sync calendars” sections and pasted it into the import sections of both websites but Airbnb gives me an error message and Google Calendar just shows an empty calendar. I made sure that there were bookings for the accomodations. I downloaded the calendar and opened it with Notepad ++ to be sure that it contains data, and it does.
    I also imported the calendar into Google Calendar as an .ics file and it gives me the error “Unable to process file”.
    Any guess?

    Thank you in advance,


    using Motopress Hotel booking plugin version 3.5.1 and WordPress version 5.2.2

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Gabriel Eloy. Reason: added more information
    Gabriel Eloy

    EDIT 07/07: I just found out that the problem comes from the the plugin that is adding an empty line at the top of the iCal. When I edit the ical and remove the empty line so that the very first line is “BEGIN:VCALENDAR”, and import it as a file on Google Calendar, it works! I re-installed the plugin from the motopress website to get a clean version but nothing has changed.

    J. Davis

    Hi Gabriel,

    I’ve tested the issue locally however do not have issue and “BEGIN:VCALENDAR” is placed on line 1. So I guess the issue is caused by third party plugin installed on your WordPress. Please try to disable plugins on by one and trying to download iCal file to see if some plugin is causing the issue.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Gabriel Eloy

    Thank you for your reply, I did do that but nothing changed with the plugins disabled. I thought the issue would be in the exporter.php of the plugin but it doesn’t make sense because it would have been an issue for everybody. Maybe it has something to do with the files in which the events are created and stored? Do you know if there is a way to backup all of my rooms/pricing/settings data? I’d delete it from the database, reinstall the plugin, see if it works and restore my data afterwards.
    Best regards,

    J. Davis

    Hi Gabriel,

    Thank you for your reply. It looks like our agent Stacy Lind manged to fix the issue you described vi ticket system. Let me know if it is really fixed or you still need assistance?

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Hi, one of my client have the similar issue. “empty line” on each .ics calendars on his website.

    Can you share more information about how resolve it (deactivation all plugins & themes not helped)?

    Thanks. Regards.

    J. Davis

    Hi Olexander, I’ve checked the history and it looks like the issue was resolved by removing the accommodation (unit of accommodation type) and adding a new one. The issue was with 1 accommodation only.
    Note: if there are many bookings assigned to this accommodation it is not a good solution to try. You will need to transfer bookings to the new accommodation.
    Could you also specify what version of the plugin you use?


    Hi, v5.0.4

    Thank you for your reply. It seems that the problem was on the side of the hosting provider and was resolved after contacting the support service.


    J. Davis

    Hi Olexandr, Thank you for the information.

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