Editing Slides

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  • #1041778
    Katie Hedgecox

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry if this question is answered somewhere – I can’t seem to find a solution unless I’m totally missing the point!

    I have installed the Albatross theme and found it brilliant so far – so thanks for that.

    However, when it comes to editing the homepage slider, I can’t seem to find where to edit the slides themselves; I can edit the background image, menu etc. through the WordPress Theme Editor but not the slides.

    From the template, I am referring to the text “Our Hotels & Resorts…Welcome to Design Hotel” and the accompanying image.

    Do I need an additional plugin for this or am I missing the option somewhere?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,

    Andre Flores

    Hello Katie,

    The Home page slider slides are added via child pages of the Home page. Navigate to Pages and open Home page child pages for editing: https://prnt.sc/vvnzcr – you will be able to change the image, which is set as Featured Image at the lower right and the slide caption added in the Excerpt field. The slide title is defined as the page title: https://prnt.sc/vvo0g9.

    Best regards,

    Katie Hedgecox

    Hi Andre,

    Thank you for getting back to me. The method you suggested worked perfectly for the second slide, which I have been able to edit successfully.

    However, under my pages tab, there is no page for the first default slide of “Welcome to Design Hotel”, despite it still being visible on the website.

    Any idea what could have caused this?

    Thanks again, all the best.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Katie,

    If the slide is displayed on the front-end, then the corresponding child page must be there in your Dashboard, perhaps it is not visible as it is on the second page of your pages listing. Try navigating to the second page of the Pages ->All Pages tab and find the child page there.


    Katie Hedgecox
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Andre Flores
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    Alvaro Perea Venzala

    Hi, very helpful.. just cant find how to change the COLOR applied to the Featured Image..

    Valeriia Bavykina

    Hello Alvaro!

    The featured images on the page are used as the background, and images on the background are not responsive by nature.

    Alvaro Perea Venzala

    Sorry but cant understand how to change the green backgroung

    J. Davis

    Hi Alvaro,

    Thanks for your question. You may try to apply the style below to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    body.page-has-thumbnail .page-header-wrapper:after {
        background: rgba(2,253,201,65%);

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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