Differnet layout for loop-room-type.

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  • #895203

    Hi! I recently bought Hotel Booking plugin for my wordpress site. I would like to know how can i make a different layout when displaying all my accommodation types.

    for example row with 3 columns

    featured image | description | book btn.

    Which files do i need to edit if i want to accomplish something like that? View files, template files?

    Thank you.


    Hello Ojars,

    Our plugin contains hooks that allow you to edit, add or move content without needing to edit template files. This method protects against update issues.

    Alternatively, you can copy template files from /wp-content/motopress-hotel-booking/templates/ folder to /wp-content/%your-theme%/hotel-booking/ to override them.

    You can use CSS only to make a layout described in your message.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Steve.
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