Deactivate single post

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1326332
    Dejosée Bernard

    Hi All,

    I’d like to deactivate single pages like Services. How can I proceed ?



    J. Davis

    Hi Bernard,

    Thanks for your question. You may override the Services post type to disable the front-end view for single Service posts. Try to add the code below to the functions.php file of your theme:

    function theme_disable_fronend_mphb_room_service( $args, $post_type ) {
        if ( 'mphb_room_service' === $post_type ) {
            $args['publicly_queryable'] = false;
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'register_post_type_args', 'theme_disable_fronend_mphb_room_service', 10, 2 );

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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