Custom usernames + passwords @ checkout

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by Giuseppe Troiano.
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  • #1568155
    Shea Barbacci

    Just wondering what the best solution for providing customers the ability to set their usernames and password while they are checking out, instead of receiving and auto-generated username and password. I’m on the verge of modifying user.php to create a “before_user_creation” hook lol

    J. Davis

    Hi Shea,
    Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, there is no option to let the guests set custom usernames while confirming the reservations. They are generated and sent via email automatically.

    Giuseppe Troiano

    I have the same question. I will write a hook I think. The think is. Is it normal behaviour that the password is sent clear and not encrypted or did I miss something?
    If one can reset the password i could write that it is a temporary password and they have to change it.

    J. Davis

    Hi Giuseppe,
    You can add this notice to the email template with the account login and password. The customer can create a new password in the ‘Account’ tab after the login.

    Giuseppe Troiano

    thanks for the quick reply! I managed to do so and changed the template. And that´s a perfect solution for me.

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