Compatibility with ADMIN DASHBOARD plugins

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  • #1128801
    Diana Monica

    Dear Motopress team,

    Your themes and plugins are great but as you probably noticed, the majority of your users are webmasters who purchase these great products for their clients.

    As webmasters, we must offer our clients the possibility to access a clean and simple dashboard. We often use plugins to do so, such as White Label CMS for instance. Because the client only needs access to BOOKINGS, CALENDAR and a bit more…

    Please note this is the first time CMS plugin fails me, and I believe this is due to compatibility reasons. For instance, if I choose to only show to another administrator the ACCOMMODATIONS and BOOKINGS tabs, half of the options are not available, there is no calendar and the administrator cannot even manually add a booking.

    Have you tested the compatibility of your Hotel Booking with any Dashboard Plugins?
    Do you have any other solution you can offer?

    Thank you!

    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    You may try to achieve the desired result using a combination of third-party plugins for user roles, e.g. Adminimize, User Role Editor, Controlled Admin Access by Ruby etc.
    We do have a feature request to add special user roles to the plugin, so developers could create custom roles for owners, staff members etc.
    We are currently collecting feedback from other users and planning to implement this feature in one of the plugin future updates.


    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    We are delighted to let you know that we have just released the Hotel Booking plugin update v. 4.0.0 with the User Roles feature included. Two new user roles have been added to manage Hotel Booking in the dashboard: Hotel Manager and Hotel Worker. Please note that in case you have assigned the Editor role to some users previously, you will need to change their role to Hotel Manager one, as they will loose access to the Hotel Booking after update.
    Also note that you will need to update Hotel Booking add-ons to the latest versions in order for them to be adjusted to the User Roles feature.
    You may also use some free user roles editor plugins in order to configure each role per your desire or even create a new role with specific capabilities, e.g. free Members plugin.


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