Checkout Fields is not shown in custom checkout fields

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  • #1293695
    Unary Team

    I activate the Hotel Booking Checkout Fields extension and add the product license. Put the already existing fields (which is 10 fields) is not shown up. I want to edit and delete some of them like Zip Code (check the images:


    Can you show me how to do that?

    J. Davis


    Thanks for your question. As far as I can see you use WPML. Please try to navigate to WPML > Support > troubleshooting and click the option to Set Language Information. Then the the list of all the checkout fields again.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Sylvain Deschamps

    Similar issue but since I installed Loco translate, it may be the culprit but not sure if that’s related or not, any idea how to solve my problem? The fields were renamed %customer_first_name1122% so now, I have two fields with names and it’s not searchable. I guess it’s the same issue as OP but with Loco but can’t find where the problem is

    Sylvain Deschamps

    I use Loco and Polylang, srry

    J. Davis

    Hi Sylvain,

    Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, the Polynag is not compatible with the Hotel Booking plugin so we recommend you to use WPML. There is also a plugin that helps the user to migrate from Polylang to WPML.

    best regards.
    J. Davis

    Sylvain Deschamps

    OK, even if not supported, the default/original fields disappeared, how can I get them back??? (first name disappeared, last name, address and another one I can’t remember).

    Sylvain Deschamps

    So… I purchased WPML but my %customer_first_name% is still missing, so does address so now, if I complete a booking, I have a new field that was created, %customer_first_name1202%… I want to use the original %customer_first_name% so for now, doesn’t seem to be related to Polylang whatsoever. I already opened a support request 4 days ago, still not resolved.

    J. Davis

    Hi Sylvain,

    Thanks for your reply. It looks strange that the default fields were removed as there is not such a possibility yet – there is no remove/Delete option for the default fields. Additionally, there is no possibility to reset the fields and get default ones. Thus I recommend you translate the exiting First Name and Last Name fields to another language in order to be able to make a reservation on a translated version of the site. Let me know if you need our assistance in this.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Ben Adams


    I have the same issue, have purchased and activated the Checkout fields extension but it’s not showing up on the site under Bookings:

    Andre Flores

    Hello Ban,

    Try to perform steps from this reply. Also I was unable to check your website due to “The requested URL could not be retrieved” error.


    Sylvain Deschamps

    Try to uninstall the checkout fields and re-install the LATEST version. It solved my problem (the latest is end of july).

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