capacity field and seasonboundservices

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  • #977580
    Joke Scholte

    1. In the booklium child theme I recently bought, I cannot find the overall capacity field in the room types section. I can add adults and children, but the general capacity field is simply not there. Am I missing something in the settings somewhere?

    2. Another question: How to add seasonbound services? F.i. cycling services in summer and skking services in wintertime.

    I really need these features. Hope you can help me out.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Joke!

    1. Please note that this option has been added in Hotel Booking v. 3.7.2 and is available in further versions. Since the plugin is built in the Booklium theme, it can be updated only along with the theme itself. That is why your plugin version is 3.7.1 and therefore you do not have the overall capacity option.

    2. Unfortunately, there is no option to add seasonbound services. You may enable/disable services manually when the season changes only.


    Joke Scholte

    Thank you for your quick response, Andre!
    1. So when is the next update (with v. 3.7.2 hotelbooking) for Booklium planned?
    2. seasonbound services: clear, I will work my way around it and find a creative solution ;-).
    Thanks again and best regards.

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Joka!

    Unfortunately, there is no information on when the Booklium theme is planned to be updated. Currently our developers are busy with other priority tasks, however, if there is any information regarding the update, I will immediately let you know.
    As for the seasonbound services, it would be appreciated if you share your workaround in this topic, if you find any πŸ™‚


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