Calendar synchronization – Issue with admin bookings

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  • #948858
    Aron Martinez


    I am having issues to properly synchronize all bookings in the calendars between Hotel Booking and

    Everything is set up properly according to the instructions and on both sides the sync process is performed correctly (no bookings on so far, but the process executes and green statuses are returned from both sides, without any errors or warnings). The fact is that it seems to work but only for “standard” bookings (in other words, the booking syncs properly with if it was performed by the client on the website front-end), but if the booking is performed by the admin directly in the Hotel Booking back-end no sync action at all is performed.

    I have already checked and the option “Export admin blocks” is activated in the settings. I also checked the ics file and the bookings + a manual block appear correctly in it, I also performed multiple syncs on both sides but still nothing happens.

    Can you suggest any further actions that I can perform to set up everything correctly and be able to properly sync ALL bookings between the systems (and therefore avoid an overbooking)?

    Thank you in advance and best regards,

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Aron!

    It looks like may not take into account manually added bookings, since they are exported properly from Hotel Booking end and included in .ics file. As for the admin blocks option, it is applied to blocks you have performed for accommodations under Bookings ->Booking Rules tab, it does not affect actual bookings.
    If the issue still persists, do not hesitate to submit a request to our Help Desk, so we take a closer look at it.


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