BUG!Prices don’t update when number of guests change + services added

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking BUG!Prices don’t update when number of guests change + services added

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  • #1515531

    On latest version of plugin – when changing the number of guests on the booking form and adding extra services, these changes don’t get updated in the table below!
    However, upon checkout the correct amount is charged to the guest, resulting in very unhappy customers at the moment and we are losing money because we now have to refund and honour the price displayed during the booking process.
    All works fine when doing a booking in the back-end.


    MP-Team – please remove the 4.8.* release! This version is not working correctly! I’ve reverted back to 4.7.4 and everything is fine, including the calendar pop-up in the search form.

    I’d encourage @everyone to check their rate calculations displayed on the front end if you use different pricing for certain number of guests and have additional services on offer.


    I agree with you; Motopress, please, remove version 4.8+. I have previously asked to block it, but the support didn’t listen. Hopefully, they will take action sooner rather than later.

    J. Davis

    Hi @UPR,

    We could not replicate the issue you have described on the checkout page. Could you submit a ticket referring to the current topic so we can take a closer look at your WordPress installation?


    Hi, the issue is no longer showing on our website because we’ve rolled back to version 4.7.4. No problems with that one.

    J. Davis

    Hi, If you wish to proceed with the investigation we would appreciate it if you create a staging area where we can test the latest version of the Hotel Booking plugin and your site.


    Same issue on newest release 4.10.1!

    J. Davis

    Hi, it may be a server-related issue. Please submit a request referring to this topic. Thanks.

    Scott Kasprick

    It’s probably a jquery conflict not allowing the form to refresh using ajax (I assume).

    Try the checkout using a different WordPress theme or try disabling other plugins that might be adding the conflict.

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