Booking confirmation page

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  • #644947
    Stephanie Watts

    Hi. dual question.

    1. on the booking confirmation page where it says to select rate – is there a way to display day rate not total?
    2. For price breakdown can w mak it show base rate then added services seperatly?


    J. Davis

    Hi Stephanie,

    1. No, there is no option to display day rates instead of prices for stay period on the checkout page. However you can place rates shortcode.

    2. Could you clarify this question more detailed? Can you provide a screenshot or example to be sure we think in the same way. Thank you.

    Best regards,
    J. Davis

    Stephanie Watts

    Thanks John.

    For example if the room cost $100 and they have breakfast every day at $15, could the price breakdown at the end have
    Room: $300
    Additional services :$45
    Total: $345

    J. Davis

    Hi Stephanie,

    You can see all this information by clicking on linked accommodation title in Price break down.
    Let me know if you found it.

    best regards,

    Corey Auger

    John-is there a way to have the price breakdown be automatically expanded on the checkout page? I don’t think it is very intuitive for the user to click the link to display the details.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Corey Auger.
    Stacy Lind

    Hi Corey,

    The price breakdown may appear too long if displayed by default. We will add a hint on how to view the full price breakdown in one of the nearest updates.

    Stephan van der Klei

    Yes I would very much appreciate this hint, to view the breakdown!

    Stacy Lind

    Hi Stephan,

    We will definitely add it in one of the nearest updates. For now, you can add an explanation at the top of the checkout page by adding text in the standard WordPress editor of the checkout page, or using the field Checkout Text in Accommodation > Settings.

    Chris Wong

    Yes a breakdown would be nice.

    Mauricio de Sostoa

    Yes, breakdown would be awesome!

    Marcel Heiniger

    Yes please add the option in the shortcode to allow us to show/hide breakdown per default.

    Also, add the possibility to display
    Fax and Fees
    Grand Total

    This is mandatory in some countries by the way

    Let us decide if it’s too long or too short

    J. Davis

    Hello Marcel,

    Thank you for your feedback. We’ll keep this in mind. As a workaround you may apply the style below to make the price breakdown unfolded by default.

    .mphb-price-breakdown tr {
        display: table-row !important;

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Stacy Lind

    Hi everyone,

    The setting for unfolding the price breakdown is already available in Accommodation > Settings of version 3.1.0. Make sure to update MotoPress Hotel Booking

    Mary Evans

    Hi, we are happy to announce about release of new Hotel Booking 3.6.1 version where we have added new tags for email templates: Price Breakdown, Country, State, City, Postcode, Address, Full Guest Name. You can enable it again in the settings. We notify you as you requested this feature. Here are the other improvements added with 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 versions:

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