Booking confirmation book now button message

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  • #1069729
    richard simpson

    If I want to change the message from book now button output do I use additional css?

    The message is:
    We received your booking request. Once it is confirmed we will notify you via email.

    And this the class
    <p class=”mphb_sc_checkout-success-reservation-message”>We received your booking request. Once it is confirmed we will notify you via email.</p>

    I’m just not sure exactly what best method is.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Richard,

    The message is defined in the [mphb_booking_confirmation] shortcode, in order to edit it you may use Loco Translate plugin, you will find an example on how to do that in this article.


    richard simpson

    Thanks a lot for that Andre, worked a treat.
    If I update the theme will I need to make any changes again?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Richard,

    You should just make sure edited language files are stored under /languages/plugins/ directory – this will make sure changes are not lost after plugin/theme update. You may check the location under Relocate tab of the Loco Translate settings:


    richard simpson

    Will do, thanks a lot for help.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Richard,

    You are most welcome. It would be much appreciated if you leave your positive feedback about the Hotel Booking plugin at:

    Thank you in advance!


    Shubham Khandelwal

    It’s great to see this article.
    But how to change this text “Reservation submitted
    We received your booking request. Once it is confirmed we will notify you via email.”

    It is showing on the Booking Confirmation Page when we set the Booking Request as Admin Manually.

    Please let me know

    Vacation Rentals Agency

    Shubham Khandelwal

    Finally We found it to change the text on the Booking Confirmation Page “Reservation submitted
    We received your booking request. Once it is confirmed we will notify you via email.

    We are using Bellevue theme. Strange! No one asked about it to change this text.
    I am providing steps here to help others.
    Step 1) Select “Hotel Booking” plugin in Plugin Editor.
    Step 2) follow this path “motopress-hotel-booking/includes/shortcodes/checkout-shortcode/step.php”
    Step 3) You will see the code on line 115(in mine) in step.php file.

    Change Message as per your need. Please make sure this is the Advance level changes and modifications and I request you do the changes if you know about programming.

    Vacation Rentals Agency

    J. Davis

    Hi Shubham,

    It is possible to change the texts of the Hotel Booking plugin by editing its translations. You may use the Loco Translate plugin to be able to edit translations right on the dashboard of your site.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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