link on accommodation notice not working on mobile devices

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  • #936550
    Kok Wai Lai


    I observed this tricky issue that i am not able to resolve in the pass 2 days…

    I put a link into the accommodation notices. Then i checked the notification email from both desktop and mobile devices.

    @ desktop, it appears as a link and it is working when i click on it. But at mobile device, it does not appear as link, it is just a normal text.

    Any clue how to resolve this?



    Kok Wai Lai

    Hello again,

    I did further testing on this issue ( link) . Pls see following:-

    Personal Email = A
    Company Email = B
    MotoPress Notification Email = C

    Observation :-

    1. C to B – Mobile view not working (no link, just text), desktop view OK.

    2. A to B – Mobile view WORKING (link is there), desktop view OK.

    Conclusion :-

    I highly suspect there must be some notification email setting issue @ MotoPress email system causing the not working on mobile view.

    Seeking your support to address this issue.



    J. Davis

    Hi Lai,

    Thank you for your question and further tests. Do you mean you have added some shortened bitly URL to special Accommodation Notice fields that is added by Notifier addon? When this link is sent to the guest via email he/she can see the link as text and it is not clackable? If it is so could you specify the app you used on mobile devices to view the email with the link? Do you mean that non-bitly links are functioning properly even on mobile devices?
    If I missed the point I’d ask you to clarify it more detailed providing step by step instructions on how to replicate the case you have described.

    Best regards,
    J. Davis

    Kok Wai Lai

    Hello John,

    Thx for the respond. To answer your questions, pls see below:-

    1. Do you mean you have added some shortened bitly URL to special Accommodation Notice fields that is added by Notifier addon?


    2. When this link is sent to the guest via email he/she can see the link as text and it is not clickable

    Yes. I am using gmail account. I can only see the URL as text on mobile device, but under the same gmail on desktop PC (i am using Mac) i can see the URL. It is clickable and direct me to the right place.

    3. If it is so could you specify the app you used on mobile devices to view the email with the link?

    Gmail, i created a gmail account to do testing as guest to book.

    4.Do you mean that non-bitly links are functioning properly even on mobile devices?

    See my further testing info on prior msg. When i send a URL (link) from another gmail account to that testing gmail account. It is working.

    Let me put it in more details as following:- (You can surely do such testing at your side)

    1. Shorten URL is added to the accommodation notice.

    2. Email setup
    a. Gmail account A (my personal email)
    b. Gmail account B (Guest account – for testing)
    b. MotoPress Notification Email system

    Testing Steps
    1. Make booking using Gmail account B (as guest).

    2. Setup trigger from Notification add-on to send notification email to Gmail account B.

    3. Logon to both mobile devices and desktop under the same account gmail account B. Check URL link clickable or not.

    4. Send the same URL link (manually) from Gmail account A to Gmail Account B. Repeat step # 3.

    Testing Result
    1. @Step 3 – Desktop view, URL link is clickable and working. Mobile view URL is a just plain text.

    2. @Step 4 – For both mobile and desktop view, the URL link is clickable and working.

    Hope this explain.



    J. Davis

    Hi Lai,

    Thank you for your explanation. I’ve just tested the link using Accommodation Notice fields that are added by Payment request addon. So I’ve added the same URL e.g. in the following way:

    Notice 1 –

    Notice 2 – <a href=""></a>

    I’ve received a notification to my Gmail application and both links in both Notices were clickable. I could not replicate the case you have described. Make sure you added a link with https:// part.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Kok Wai Lai

    Hello John,

    Thx for your msg and sorry for the late reply.

    Let me send you an email with some screenshot to show you what i see.

    The issue still there.



    J. Davis

    Hi Lai,

    I’ve noticed your request. Please wait for my further reply.

    J. Davis

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