Available days not showing and unable to select any dates in booking..

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Available days not showing and unable to select any dates in booking..

  • This topic has 13 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1041962
    Matthew Scott

    Strangely, all the accommodation calendars which should show availability (visible on each accommodations page) do not show available nor booked dates – yet when you click to choose some dates to book the available dates appear there. However, it is not possible to click on them. I tried disabling CSS and nothing. There are no dates manually blocked by us and the calendar view from the dashboard is correct showing the external bookings (airbnb etc.) with space where there should be availability to book direct from our site. But as I say, on each accommodation page, the calendars for availability don’t show the availability yet the calendars that appear when choosing dates to book do show availability despite not letting anyone select those dates. It’s very frustrating. Thanks for any help.Example page: https://www.playa-marina.com/accommodation/playa-marina-eco-resort/

    S Squared

    Hi Matthew,
    I was just browsing the forum and happened to stumble across this. Quickly tested some of my sites then gave yours a whirl. Managed to get some dates in the boxes by typing them in and navigated to the next page. See below error, I think if you double check your rate settings you’ll likely find that they may have an end date which just needs extending. I don’t work for Motopress support or anything, just a customer, so I may be wrong but thought I’d post in case it helps.

    S Squared

    FYI I used 01/01/2021 to 13/01/2021 as some random dates when testing your site

    Andre Flores

    Hello Matthew,

    I am afraid I did not quite get your point, I have checked an example page and the availability calendar looks fine displaying available and booked dates. I have also checked the booking form and it also works fine – I was able to search for dates, which are not booked and get the result.
    Could you kindly describe steps to replicate the issue you are facing? Alternatively submit a request to our Help Desk specifying those steps and providing temporary access to your WordPress dashboard.


    Matthew Scott

    Problem has been resolved thanks to S Squared. Issue was in the seasons end dates. thank!

    Matthew Scott

    Many thanks. Problem resolved thanks to you! All the best!

    Andre Flores

    Hello Matthew,

    You are most welcome, I am glad that the issue was resolved.


    Patricia Howat

    Hi there I am having same issue how did you resolve this
    Thank you in advance

    J. Davis

    Hi Patricia,

    It looks like you need to create a new season for 2023 (maybe 2024 also) and then add this season to the rate in order to make the property available for those dates.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Tony Radistis

    Hi there folks,

    I did this and created brand new seasons for 2024, but you can’t select the dates, for example, 27/07 – 30/09/24 – anything within this range! The seasons prior to this where we do have availability, for example anywhere in June till the beginning of July, the dates appear fine and clickable!

    Any other suggestions please?

    P.S. Plugin version: 4.5.1
    WP version: 6.3.1

    Tony Radistis

    OK, so when I hovered over a non-clickable, but free to book date, it said ‘Rules: this is later than allowed by our Advanced Reservation Rules’, so I went to “Bookings – Booking Rules’ where I had a max 300 day booking window in advance, under ‘Maximum Advance Reservation’. Increased that to 365 and all good now 🙂

    J. Davis

    Hi Tony, thanks for sorting this out on your own.

    Francisco Jesús Elvira vicario

    Hi to all,

    I have the same problem. Im my web I have 3 apartments the rules are ok and the seasons too, but only is possible to select the check-in day but not the check-out.
    All the dates appear like crossed out.
    My web is https://dondeelvira.com/

    Thanks in advance

    J. Davis

    Please update to version 4.8.1, clear the cache and check it again. Thanks.

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