Admin panel search option

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  • #1044768

    I noticed the hard way that the ‘search booking’ option on the ‘bookings’ page admin panel is looking for an exact match, so it would only work with a full field match. For Example: I have the last names “Evers and Smith”, searching “Smith” or “Evers” will not bring up any results. Same for notes – if I am searching for notes with “late arrival” in it, the note “late arrival!” will not show up. It is not case sensitive and will trim off any spaces, so it is just the fact that containing words within fields are not searchable.

    Is it possible to change the search to look for matches that contain the query? – it’s eaaaaasy to do this with SQL but I dont want to be hacking the code after every update.

    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    I have tested the search functionality locally and was unable to replicate the issue – if I use either first or second name of the guest valid search results are returned. The search results are indeed returned with the exact match only (the search works by most of the fields, e.g. ID, price, date, e-mail address, country code etc.). I have passed your request for consideration to our developers, if there are more requests from other users regarding this matter, we will consider implementing changes to the Bookings search in one of the future plugin updates.
    Anyone who also needs this feature feel free to let me know by commenting this topic.


    Chen Chiang CHAI

    yes for me. Come on this feature is a given. why it isnt implemented?

    J. Davis

    Hi Chen,

    Thanks for your question. As you can see this task is not rather popular. We are working on the topics that were requested by bigger number of users. So we still collect upvotes to define the priority of this task.

    best regards,
    J. Davis.

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