Add Video as featured image

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  • #880772
    Eric Develing

    Any idea how to add a featured video to the home page slider?
    I love to have a video playing in stead of an image.
    Tried to put the video as a featured image but it just doesn’t work!
    For details see


    Anna Chupryna

    Hi Eric, it is impossible to set a featured video on the homepage slider due to its structure peculiarities. Only featured image can be displayed on the slide.

    Sylvain Deschamps

    Since we are in 2023, is it now possible to have a video as featured slider on the main page?

    J. Davis

    Hi Sylvain,

    There is an option to enable video as a first slide at Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Front Page Slider.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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