Accommodation search does not work

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  • #783552
    Bianka Boyanova

    The site is now running on a technical domain. Multilingual. I Use Polylang. Made accommodation types, seasons and rates. But the search options embed returns “not found”. During the experiments, I once saw the result of the search. But then again the empty result. Tried first in the Lite version, now purchased the pro version. Same. Help please!

    Bianka Boyanova

    In addition, the date is not available for selection on the accommodation page.

    Bianka Boyanova

    Help please! The search is still not working.
    I carefully read the recommendations ten times
    I have created Seasons, Rates and accomodation for each type. But the search still returns the result “No accommodations found from 01.06.2019 – till 04.06.2019”. Of course, the date is included in the available seasons.
    I only saw the search result once when I added only one number. But when he added the rest, the search stopped looking for options.
    What am I doing wrong? Help please!

    Stacy Lind

    Hi Bianka,

    MotoPress Hotel Booking is not compatible with Polylang. Our plugin has been tested and is compatible with WPML, so we can advise using only this plugin.
    If you are not seeing results in the original language version of the website, here is what you can check:
    Why my accommodations cannot be booked?
    If it does not help, please, submit a support ticket here.

    Bianka Boyanova

    Thanks for Your reply! I suspected that wasn’t really the problem. Now I disabled Polylang and the problem remained. I’ll write a ticket in support.
    Thanks for Your Help!

    J. Davis

    Hello Bianka,

    We have found your ticket and we have requested additional information. Please check your email and sent a reply back.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Bianka Boyanova

    Hi, J. Davis!
    We sent the required information on Thursday. Was it possible to go to the site and fix the problem?

    Stacy Lind

    Hi Bianka,

    We have not received your email. Please, resend it.

    Bianka Boyanova

    We sent it yesterday…

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