Accommodation block

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  • #1277463
    margaret Njeri

    I have the accommodations on the front page on a grid format and would prefer to have the room title to be above the image then image then details instead of image then title then details.
    How can this be achieved?

    J. Davis

    Hi Margaret,

    Thanks for your questions. There are no options to define the order of the accommodation information from the dashboard. This might be achieved by overriding the template files of the theme or modifying actions and filters of the plugin. This requires advanced coding skills.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    margaret Njeri
    This reply has been marked as private.
    J. Davis

    Hi Margaret,

    Thanks for your further question however I’m not sure I get your question correctly. Could you please clarify it by providing screenshots or examples to help us understand what you try to achieve?

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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