Wrong behaviour of search results

  • This topic has 45 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Martin Fourdrignier.
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  • #1707473
    Martin Fourdrignier

    Following-up on my previous post asking for help some months ago, here is the code I ended up with:

    private function getAvailableRoomTypes() {
        global $wpdb;
        $roomsAtts = apply_filters(
                'availability'      => 'locked',
                'from_date'         => $this->checkInDate,
                'to_date'           => $this->checkOutDate,
                'skip_buffer_rules' => false,
        $lockedRooms    = MPHB()->getRoomPersistence()->searchRooms($roomsAtts);
        $lockedRoomsStr = join(',', $lockedRooms);
        // Extract adults count directly from request
        $mphb_adults = isset($_REQUEST['mphb_adults']) ? intval($_REQUEST['mphb_adults']) : 1;
        // Start building the query
        $query = "SELECT DISTINCT room_types.ID AS id, COUNT(DISTINCT rooms.ID) AS count";
        $join = " FROM {$wpdb->posts} AS rooms"
              . " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS room_type_ids ON rooms.ID = room_type_ids.post_id AND room_type_ids.meta_key = 'mphb_room_type_id'"
              . " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS room_types ON room_type_ids.meta_value = room_types.ID"
              . " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS room_capacity_ids ON room_types.ID = room_capacity_ids.post_id AND room_capacity_ids.meta_key = 'mphb_total_capacity'";
        // Start building the WHERE clause
        $where = " WHERE 1=1"
               . " AND CAST(room_capacity_ids.meta_value AS UNSIGNED) >= " . $wpdb->prepare("%d", $mphb_adults)
               . " AND rooms.post_type = '" . MPHB()->postTypes()->room()->getPostType() . "'"
               . " AND rooms.post_status = 'publish'"
               . ( !empty($lockedRoomsStr) ? " AND rooms.ID NOT IN ({$lockedRoomsStr})" : '' )
               . " AND room_type_ids.meta_value IS NOT NULL"
               . " AND room_type_ids.meta_value != ''"
               . " AND room_types.post_type = '" . MPHB()->postTypes()->roomType()->getPostType() . "'"
               . " AND room_types.post_status = 'publish'";
        // Add ordering and grouping
        $order = " GROUP BY room_type_ids.meta_value ORDER BY room_type_ids.meta_value DESC";
        // Handle attributes
        if (!empty($this->attributes)) {
            $inTerms = MPHB()->translation()->translateAttributes($this->attributes, MPHB()->translation()->getDefaultLanguage());
            $inTerms = array_unique($inTerms);
            $inTermsStr = join(',', $inTerms);
            // Add term relationships to the JOIN clause
            $join .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS room_relationships ON room_types.ID = room_relationships.object_id"
                  . " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS room_attributes ON room_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = room_attributes.term_taxonomy_id";
            // Add terms filtering to WHERE clause
            $where .= " AND room_attributes.term_id IN ({$inTermsStr})";
        // Fetch results
        $roomTypeDetails = $wpdb->get_results($query . $join . $where . $order, ARRAY_A);
        return $roomTypeDetails;
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