Min / Max Booking Rules

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  • #936524
    Ryan Labelle

    Using Motopress Hotel Booking, I’m having issues with the accommodation rules to fit my client’s specific needs. They’d like their rooms to be bookable these ways:

    – two to three nights on weekends (from Friday to Monday only)
    – midweek, four nights from Monday to Friday
    – a seven nights week, only from Saturday to the next Saturday.

    Is that possible?

    I almost managed to do it, the problem is that if you book in on a Saturday, it makes it possible to book out on Friday, which my clients don’t want. It should be only possible on the next Monday and Saturday.

    Similarly, if you try to book in on Monday, the book out is possible on Friday (which we want), but also on Saturday, Sunday, and the next Monday, which we don’t want.

    I really have no idea how I could do it or if it’s even possible. It would probably help to have the ability to set min/max stay length from specific days of the week (say for example “the max stay length from Monday is four nights”), but it doesn’t seem to be doable. I can’t tell my clients that it’s not possible since their entire business is set that way.

    Thanks a lot in advance

    Mary Evans

    Hello Ryan,

    You would need to add separate seasons for weekdays and weekend seasons (specifying applied days of the week).

    Then you would need to create check-in/out, minimum and maximum stay rules (the Bookings tab > Booking Rules) for your seasons.

    After that, you would need to add a rate for the needed accommodation type and add prices for your weekdays and weekend seasons. Also, add the needed price per night for 7 days not to create a separate “week” season.
    Do not forget to move the needed season price to the top (by drag and dropping) to set higher priority if season dates overlap.

    See the screenshots of an example:

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    Ryan Labelle

    Thanks for the follow up.

    That could potentially work in theory, the problem is that I already needed to create far too many seasons since my clients wants them on several periods of time, and each season in MHB can only be set up from one date to another. For example I have 12 “high seasons”, one from the 10th of April to the 13th, an other from the 30th of august to the 31st of October, etc…

    I had to create 15 seasons in total, and if I apply your method to fix my issue, I’d need to create five for each one of these (saturday to saturday, monday to friday, friday to monday, friday to sunday and saturday to monday), and I would end up with 75 seasons in a year. It would be totally unmanageable.

    Maybe your are working on a way to implement several periods of times in a single season? That would “fix” my problem, but as it is right now I can’t really see any other way, unfortunately.

    Thanks for your help

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Ryan!

    Unfortunately, there is no way to add several periods of time within single season. However, you may add as many season as you need, seasons may also overlap each other, you just need to make sure the ones, which are more important (e.g. these ones: saturday to saturday, monday to friday, friday to monday, friday to sunday and saturday to monday) are placed above the rest of the seasons within Rates menu in order to have higher priority.
    You may drag more important seasons to the top easily to increase their priority: https://prnt.sc/ru4cj6.


    Ryan Labelle

    This is exactly what I’ve been doing for a few months and what’s causing me problems now, since this is not a good solution. As I’ve said before, I already have 15 seasons with this method, which is all right on its own, but if I want to fix my current problem (described in my first message) with the solution you offer, I’d end up with 75 seasons, which is certainly not all right.

    Can you think of anything else that could help?

    Thank you.

    Mary Evans

    Hi Ryan,

    Unfortunately, for now, there is no solution to create different booking rules within one season. That is, only one rule can be applied to a season. There is no functionality to add different rules within a season depending on a day of the week.
    The only workaround we can offer is to create different seasons with different days of the week applied and add rules for these separate seasons.

    Best regards,
    M. Evans

    Ryan Labelle

    Thanks for the follow up Mary. Cheers.

    Mary Evans

    Dear Ryan,

    You are welcome!
    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions in the future.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

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