WordPress White Label

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Re-brand MotoPress Content Editor, Slider and Content Editor addons using the White Label plugin and win over your clients with awesome website functionality! Rename MotoPress’ tools, change logos, icons and other info to use products as your own.

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    White Label WordPress Website Builder

    MotoPress White Label plugin allows you to re-brand MotoPress Content Editor, Slider, and Content Editor addons. Using this extension you can re-name MotoPress plugins, change logos, icons, and other brand images to your own. This addon is useful either for developers and end-users. MotoPress White Label plugin is a great tool to transform MotoPress Editor to your custom WordPress Page Builder by hiding license and update notifications, changing links, and even loading animation.

    It is fully compatible with WPMU thus developers can hide the plugins from the list and even disable the default WordPress editor for their customers to use MotoPress editor only. MotoPress White label plugin is rather flexible as it makes it possible to re-brand plugins either within a user-friendly interface or by coding.


    • compatible with Content Editor, Slider, and all further plugins
    • re-name plugins
    • change images
    • substitute URLs with yours
    • ability to hide MotoPress plugins from the Plugins list
    • compatible with WPMU
    • can be used either as a separate plugin or integrated into a theme


    – install the MotoPress White Label plugin to your WordPress. After plugin installation, the default re-branding settings would be applied.

    – go to WordPress Settings > MotoPress White Label to manage re-branding settings.

    There are three tabs of settings in MotoPress White Label:

    Global – at this tab you can hide MotoPress Content Editor, Slider, and White Label plugins from the plugins list. Also, you can hide White Label from the menu settings.

    Content Editor – allows changing the brand name, content editor button text, description of MotoPress button, images, and links. Also, you are able to hide the native WordPress TinyMCE editor, updater, license page, and Content Editor menu.

    Slider – by switching to this tab you can change Slider name, hide MotoPress Slider Menu, license page, options page, and disable updater.

    As result you will get such changes:

    Theme integration

    You can also integrate the MotoPress White Label plugin to any theme without installing the plugin. There is theme-sample.php file included in the plugin package where you can manage the same re-branding settings by editing code. You should just follow these easy steps:

    • download a class-tgm-plugin-activation.php file and copy it to a theme folder if you want to install plugins with a theme
    • copy MotoPressWhiteLabel.php to the theme folder
    • add code from a theme-sample.php file to functions.php one
    • configure ‘default’ settings


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    Release Notes

    1.4.1, Nov 6 2017

    • Added compatibility with Visual Builder 2.5.0


    * New version of plugin updater code.


    • Minor bugfixes and improvements


    • Bug fix: fixed the issue with image filter name in content-editor plugin


    • Code is updated to support new addons


    • Code is updated to support new addons


    • Release