Enable/Disable Accommodation and Booking Menu Items

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Enable/Disable Accommodation and Booking Menu Items

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  • #1024120
    Martin Kováč

    Hello Maria. Iam struggling to implement your solution for getting rid of that CTA. Could you help me somehow please? I wanted to write you personal mail, but i did not found it here.

    Neil Wakeling

    Hi, Can I add my vote to the request to have clearly defined set of user roles? I am in exactly the same situation of hasving buit the site for my client who owns the two properties, but he employs a person local to the property to manage the bookings – its very far from ideal to have to give that person full administrator rights. I’ll try the plugins mentioned above, but I’m surprised that suitable roles aren’t built into the plugin.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Neil,

    Sure, thank you for your up-vote, it has been also counted.


    Mario Morshäuser

    I am upvoting, too. This is really very important for me

    Andre Flores

    Hello Mario,

    Thank you for upvoting, it is much appreciated.


    Ahmed Benhmida

    I have also the same issue about restricting and adding some admin roles to other users.
    The worst one is about the booking calendar which is hidden for Editor role.
    I wish that the dev team work on this in order to have more flexibility with different roles.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Ahmed,

    Thank you for letting us know, it is much appreciated. Your vote has been counted as well.


    Andre Flores

    Hello everyone,

    We are delighted to let you know that we have just released the Hotel Booking plugin update v. 4.0.0 with the User Roles feature included. Two new user roles have been added to manage Hotel Booking in the dashboard: Hotel Manager and Hotel Worker. Please note that in case you have assigned the Editor role to some users previously, you will need to change their role to Hotel Manager one, as they will loose access to the Hotel Booking after update.
    Also note that you will need to update Hotel Booking add-ons to the latest versions in order for them to be adjusted to the User Roles feature.
    You may also use some free user roles editor plugins in order to configure each role per your desire or even create a new role with specific capabilities, e.g. free Members plugin.


Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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