Collection of 40+ blocks for the Gutenberg editor. Trusted by over 50K users.

112 reviews
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WordPress Schedule Plugin for managing single or multiple events.

66 reviews
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Add or edit block editor colors in Gutenberg.

12 reviews

Collection of 20+ premium widgets for Elementor

11 reviews
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Build and manage online restaurants & cafes, sell food online.

15 reviews
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Displays a shopping cart of Restaurant Menu plugin in your menu bar.

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Let users sign up for your MailChimp lists and groups via subscription form.

9 reviews

Integrates Elementor with the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin.

6 reviews
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Integrates Divi theme with the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin.

4 reviews

Mega menu Gutenberg blocks for building advanced site navigation bars.

11 reviews

WordPress plugins free to use? That’s possible! Download multipurpose and niche-free WordPress plugins by MotoPress. Optional extra functionality for almost all plugins is available! MotoPress offers solutions for any online business.

How to get WordPress plugins for free? Many of them are free, so you won't have any issues installing and downloading them.

Enhance default capability of the new WordPress Block Editor and get a comprehensive library of pre-made content blocks at absolutely no cost with the Getwid WordPress blocks plugin. Download WordPress blocks by Getwid and get access to 35+ custom-made Gutenberg design templates and 40+ content blocks to use without limits.

To get a reliable solution for listing events on your WordPress site, take a look at Timetable & Event Schedule – our free WordPress schedule plugin. It has been already installed more than 30.000 times, so you are in good hands! Download the MotoPress WordPress schedule plugin to add mobile-friendly event calendars right away.

If you are an owner of a restaurant, cafe, bistro, bakery, or any other catering establishment and want to showcase your food and drinks menu online, download the free MotoPress WordPress menu plugin.

Effective marketing solutions for WordPress can be free too. Download the WordPress MailChimp widget by MotoPress and add a MailChimp subscription form to your site easily.

Building a WordPress website for a hotel? Choose trusted Divi builder and the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin - it’s an unbeatable booking functionality & design combo for the hospitality business website. To connect them without coding, download the free Divi hotel Integration add-on. If you are on Elementor, make sure to get a free Elementor hotel integration add-on by MotoPress and build a property rental website of your dream. Btw, Albatross is a free Elementor theme that makes a perfect match with hotel websites.

WP plugins free to use? No problem - more free plugins for WordPress are on the way, so stay tuned!

Which free WordPress plugins can I use in the block editor?

Specifically for the block editor, we created Getwid WordPress blocks (a bundle of extra blocks and designs), the Block Editor Colors plugin to customize block editor colors, and the WordPress Mega Menu block for creating a content-rich navigation menu.

What is the Restaurant Menu free plugin for?

It’s a popular free WordPress plugin for building a beautiful cafe or restaurant menu on WordPress. The plugin supports payment options, grid, and list designs and also allows you to connect premium addons for more options, such as food delivery and toppings.

What is a free Mailchimp widget?

This addon is a great plugin to connect Mailchimp email marketing automation tools and collect email addresses. If you are on the Mailchimp service, you won’t find an easier way to grow your subscriber lists.