Payment Request – No automatic email sent to customer after payment

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  • #893412
    Matthew Scott

    It seems odd that despite the administrator of the site receiving an email confirming the Balance Due Paid, there is no template for a customer email sent to them confirming that they have settled and paid the Balance Due. Is this intentional or was it forgotten about?

    Travis Morita

    I have the same question. Is there any way to set up a confirmation email that the balance due was paid?

    Alex M

    Don’t you think there are too many emails in this case.
    1. Guest receives an email to pay balance.
    2. Guest pays and sees Confirmation page “Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed.”
    3. Guest receives email/sms from bank or payment gateway.
    4. Guest receives confirmation email from host (?)


    Hi Alex,

    I do not think that there would be too many emails.

    At least, it would be good to have the option to send an automatic email to customer when the status of his payment goes to succeed. See also my new post about the automatic email sent to admin :



    +1 for this feature. Would be nice to have the choice. I can see both sides of the arguement.

    Mary Evans


    Thank you for your upvotes. We have created a feature request and added your votes there. Our developers will consider this request and we will notify you when it gets implemented.
    In case anybody else needs this feature too, please, feel free to leave your votes here. Our developers make a decision on what features to add after each plugin update based on the number of requests for different features.

    Betty Morris
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Paul Doucette

    I agree this is essential that the customer has verification from the booking system that the payment has been made, acknowledgement.


    +1 vote for this! I use Stripe combined with local payment methods (iDEAL, Bancontact). Because of that, it takes a few seconds longer to confirm the payment (webhook is called after the customer is returned to our site). So on the site a message of pending payment is displayed and the customer is not notified when the payment succeeds at all.

    I’ve tried to be creative and use the %customer_email% tag in the list of admin recipients but that doesn’t work unfortunately πŸ™‚

    Much needed feature!!

    Andre Flores

    Hello there!

    Thank you all for your up-votes, they have been counted. If there are any updates regarding this matter, I will let you know.


    Thomas Kolnowski

    +1 for our team here on this. The traveler should get a confirmation email when their payment goes through.

    Thomas Kolnowski

    Andre Flores

    Hello Thomas,

    Thanks for the up-vote, it has been counted as well.


    Maurice Couwenberg

    another upvote

    we do not use automatic payments, but manual payments which you also started to support. In this case we alsways sent the customer a confirmation email for payments. Would be great if this is trigger directly after we have register the payment as completed / done.


    Andre Flores

    Hello Maurice,

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted.


    Ally Baxter

    Upvote too please!

    Is there an automatic email that comes from Stripe once you paid or is there no confirmation at all for the traveller?

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