Availability Calendar – Show fully booked dates on general calendar

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Availability Calendar – Show fully booked dates on general calendar

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  • #1510427
    Sylvain Deschamps

    Wait to update, they introduced a bug in the back-end so you can’t book a date that is not available to customers but available as admin (for example, you have a two day policy but want, as an admin to book a day) so wait until this bug is fixed. Otherwise, it seems to work.

    J. Davis

    Hi Felizia, Yes, we have adjusted the datepicker of the common search form to show unavailable dates. Some users experienced difficulties so we have released several minor versions with fixes. You may update the plugin and share your feedback.
    Note: it is recommended to make a backup before updating any plugin, theme, or WordPress.

    Sylvain Deschamps

    There’s a long delay when changing months, sometimes 6-7 seconds. There was another Motopress user that pasted two lines of code here and it was working flawlessly. Will the speed improve in further versions because right now, it’s pretty slow to show the booked/not booked dates.

    J. Davis

    Hi Sylvain,

    Thanks for your feedback. If you still face difficulties with the calendar we kindly ask you to submit a ticket to our support team referring to this topic and providing examples. Thanks.

    Ert Pehka

    Why is it that, when I use the [mphb_availability_search], the calendar doesn’t show any greyed out dates (bookings), yet the [mphb_availability_calendar] does, but is not clickable for booking. One of those options should work. Confusing – what am I missing – even AI cannot figure it out 🙂 – ps. im not a developer, just a dumbuser.

    J. Davis

    Hi Ert,

    Thanks for your question.

    [mphb_availability_search] – is a shortcode for a common search that allows you to check the availability of all accommodation types. It shows unavailable dates when no accommodation types are available. If at least 1 accommodation is available on a specific date it will be displayed as available.

    You can use [mphb_availability id=”777″] to add the availability of a specific accommodation type. I advise you also enable Skip Search Results options at Accommodation > Settings. It will display the available and unavailable dates of a specific property. You will need to replace 777 with the ID of the accommodation type.

    When the skip search results option is enabled and you have [mphb_availability_calendar id=”777″] and [mphb_availability id=”777″] on the same page, then the dates in the availability calendar can be selected.

    You can learn more by reading the following article https://support.motopress.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059658412

    Let me know if it is helpful or if you have any additional questions.

    Ert Pehka

    Hi JD,
    Seems the issue wasn’t with the calendar – but the importing of bookings from Airbnb. They are not for some reason included as “real” bookings. Only when I made a few bookings manually, they started to block out the dates in the calendar view. Is there a fix to bulk-update the Airbnb bookings, so they would gray out the calendar dates?
    This is what their “Customer info” field looks like, some have to A, some B:
    a) Summary: “Reserved”.
    Reservation URL: https://www.airbnb.com/hosting/reservations/details/HMYMW5HSRF
    Phone Number (Last 4 Digits): 7661
    b) Summary: “Airbnb (Not available)”.

    Ert Pehka

    Ignore my previous post, I have it all figured out thanks to your reply and microsoft co-pilot 🙂

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