Availability Calendar Not Loading

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  • #1557437
    Maciej Kaczor

    Hi, my popup calendar with 4 different rooms takes 10 seconds to load, that offers extremelly poor page experience.
    I’m slowly ramping up for summer season where most of my money is made.
    I hope that motopress will offer a fix, beyond a paid update.
    I bought a fully functional version year ago , I hope I won’t have to pay just to have it working again.
    Please offer a fix to a problem that update created.
    Thank you so much.

    olivier mercier

    I am seeing this problem too, client start complaining about it

    J. Davis

    Hi Maciej and Olivier, thanks for your feedback. Could you please provide URLs of your websites where I can check the loading time or contact us by submitting a request and referring to the current topic? Thanks

    Maciej Kaczor

    Here’s the link https://www.sopotpokoje.eu/
    My calendar doesn’t load at all unless I clear cloudflare cache and that only solves the issue for few hours
    Thank you

    J. Davis

    Thank you, Maciej.
    Everyone who has any issue with the calendar loading process, please, provide the URLs where we can check this issue. Thanks.

    Mark Blokker

    Ealier I experienced the same problems.

    As far as I can see I am free of any problems for the moment concerning te loading of the calendar. What I did? Difficult to say, it was a combination of different settings. I use Litespeed Cache with the QUIC.cloud CDN.

    Website: https://Festilux.nl

    Maciej Kaczor

    Do we have any updates on the issue? I excluded all the recommended folders from cache. Problem remains . For the time being I stopped using W3 total cache, but unless I clear cache on the cloudflare, my search calendar never loads the dates, spinning wheel forever and chrome developer tools message is

    Request URL:
    Request Method:
    Status Code:
    400 Bad Request
    Remote Address:
    Referrer Policy:

    J. Davis

    Hi Maciej,
    There is a 4.8.3 version installed on this website https://www.sopotpokoje.eu/ Please update it to version 4.8.8 and check if the calendar works better.

    Neil Atkinson

    Hi, I have just purchased the MotoPress plugin and I’m currently just testing the search bar feature.

    I am experiencing the calendar loading issue that everyone else is encountering and my plugin is running on the 4.8.8 version.

    Please advise on a fix for this.



    J. Davis

    Hi Chris,
    There are different reasons why this may occur. Please submit a request to our support team referring to this topic so we can take a closer look at your site.


    Niel – Did you manage to get this sorted? I would be interest to know if Motopress were able to give you any advise that is different to what they have said here. Unfortunately I am still experiencing the issue and my support request was closed – just hoping they can sort this so that I can run the updated plug-in soon.

    Michael Mcdonald

    is there a way that it can load all calendar in the background while searching dates this will have easier navigation when client would like to change from jan to april.

    J. Davis

    Hi Michael and Robert, Please make sure you use the latest version of the plugin. At the moment it is 5.0.4. The calendars are loaded fast enough. Feel free to submit new requests to our support team if the old ones have been closed.

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