User variables at checkout

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  • #1576528

    I have some extra details at the users information for instance federation etc.

    Would like to add these information at the email / checkout page, so for instance there is a field called

    Country: which is prefilled with the %user_federation% variable which is set at the customers card and i can use for instance in gravity forms etc.
    Mobilenumber: which is prefilled with the %user_mobilenumber% variable which is set at the users info card and i can use for instance in gravity forms etc.

    These information is filled in by the user when creating a WP user.

    Is that not possible in this Checkout Module ?

    Hope it is understandable what i need and looking for 🙂


    Hi Kim,
    Thanks for contacting us. When you use the Checkout Fields Editor add-on to add new fields it also adds email tags like %user_mobilenumber%, %user_federation% that can be used in email templates of the Hotel Booking plugin (not sure about Gravity Forms).

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