Automatic sync with google calendar iCal doesn’t work

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    Sync automatic with iCal of google calendars don’t work now.
    I must do manually ?

    Whats the problem please ?


    Hello, Sabrina!

    The automatic syncing with Google calendar should work fine, try decreasing the Interval option under Accommodation ->Settings, so the syncing occurs more often, e.g. “Once Hourly” or “Twice an Hour”.
    If this does not help, feel free to submit a request to our Help Desk, so we take a closer look at the issue.



    Hi Sabrina, did you get a solution to your problem. I wasn’t anticipating any problem as I have sychronised the wordress simple calendar plugin calendar with my google calendar. But lo and behold when I subscribed to the hotel booking ical calendar it didn’t work so I searched the forum and saw your post.



    Just clarifying, I am subscribing to my hotel booking calendar from Google calendar, not the other way around.


    Hello, Monica!

    Please note that it may take up to 12 hours for the Google Calendar to update after the synchronization, check this thread for more details.
    Make sure to follow steps described in this topic on how to sync your Hotel Booking calendar with Google calendar.



    I waited for a number of days and nothing happened then all of a sudden they appeared – yay. I don’t know why. I subscribed from my partners google calendar tonight and they appeared immediately. A bit of a mystery as I did exactly the same thing.


    Hello, Monica!

    Thank you for your feedback, I am glad that everything works fine now!
    It would be much appreciated if you leave your positive feedback about the Hotel Booking plugin at:
    Thank you in advance!


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