Manually confirm booking before payment with woo gateways

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    Hello i need to know if we can stop the user for paying until we confirm the availability of the dates they input in the calendar, how the normal “Confirm by admin” option works? and it works the same when using woo gateways?


    Hi Antonio,

    The confirmation mode By Admin Manually, allows customers make booking requests without payments. The booking requests wait for admin review and manual confirmation. In this case, the payments should be processed offline. However, this addon will let you send a payment request once a booking is confirmed by admin. If WooCommerce payment gateways are connected to the booking plugin, the addon will work with them without any issues.


    Ok so let me see if i understood.

    To have my desired workflow which is : User Cant pay anything until we, the admins, confirm the desired dates to be available (double check on the availability), to unlock more payment methods, we use Woo Gateways Plugin, and to be able to request the payment of that specific reservation we use the Payment Request booking addon.

    Thats Right?


    Hi Antonio,

    Yes, you are right.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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