Is an external PMS necessary to synchronize rates with Pricelabs?

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Hotel Booking PriceLabs Is an external PMS necessary to synchronize rates with Pricelabs?

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  • #1636246
    Anna Cardona Castells

    Hi Motopress friends.

    I have installed the plugin for integration with Pricelabs and I have connected both APIS but I am not clear about the usefulness of the plugin.

    When trying to register a new accommodation in Pricelabs, a list of PMS compatible with them appears and Motopress does not appear among them, Pricelabs tells me that I can only use it via OTA (Airbnb, Vrbo or Houfy) and that it will ONLY synchronize prices with the one you choose.

    ¿Am I doing something wrong or is it the function of the add on for Hotel Booking with Pricelabs?

    When I installed the Addon I thought I could integrate Hotel Booking with the rest of the platforms and work on my accommodation rates from them, but I see that I need to have an external PMS contracted for this, which logically is not feasible if you have Hotel Booking.

    Thanks for the help

    J. Davis

    Hi Anna, You can use Pricelabs to generate prices and export them to your site and other OTAs if it is needed. So Pricelabls is a place that provides pricing to the rest of the third-party platforms including your site with the Hotel Booking plugin.

    Anna Cardona Castells

    Hello J. Davis.

    That is the reason why I installed the plugin but “Hotel Booking” or “Motopress” do not appear in the Pricelabs listing to start a listing for a property when selecting a PMS. and I can’t continue even though you have both APIs connected

    Anna Cardona Castells
    J. Davis

    Hi, You can watch the video on the page of the add-on to learn how to set it up

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