Getting the contact section on a child page

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Emmet Getting the contact section on a child page

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    as the subject line implies, I would like to use the contact section, which you can easily include on the landing page, on a child page.

    I have already found relevant the code in the ‘Emmet Theme Engine’ plugin and would just like to copy and integrate it.

    I’m not quite sure though what changes I would have to make to the file or if there would be an easier way of doing this.

    Thanks, help would be much appreciated!


    Hi Jen,

    There is easier way to use same Contact Form at Front Page and other pages. There is an option to put custom Form using third party Contact Form plugin. For example you install Contact Form 7 plugins, create and configure it. Then take its shortcode and out it at Appearance>Customize>Contact us section >Contact form shortcode(replace built-in) box.
    Then you will be able to use the same shortcode at other pages, posts, etc.
    The option to put custom form (shortcode)is available at Emmet theme Pro version.

    Best regards,

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