Feature request …..check out fields / custom invoice information fie

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andre Flores.
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  • #1065987
    Maurice Couwenberg


    Feature request 1: create custom check out field but make them “not visible” at check out form – only everywhere else in the back end/reporting

    Feature request 2: provide possibility in the “invoice add on” or payment request add on, so we can add custom fields to the payment / invoice data


    You created great payment registration / process support. Also to create an invoice is nice but it does not support my invoice process. In Portugal we need “approved invoice systems / process by the taxoffice”, so the invoice creation supports me in providing the data to my accountant who has such a system, but I miss fields to manage the process of requesting / receiving the formal invoice.
    I could use some custom fields of the check out form, but they are always shown to the customer. Or I need some extra custom fields in the payment registration area or your invoice add on.
    I would need 2 data fields to register the send/receive formal invoice (this happens per payment) + 2 fields to handle invoice fields of invoices with my partner locations owners (happens also per payment).


    Andre Flores

    Hello Maurice,

    1). Could you specify why would you need to create a field, which will not be visible on the front-end?
    As an option you may create one and make it non-required, then hide it on the front-end using display: none; via CSS.

    2). We do have similar feature request already, I have added your up-vote to it as well. In case there are more similar requests from other users, we will consider adding such feature in one of the plugin future updates.


    Maurice Couwenberg


    Ad 1 – i like your work around, but I am not a developer – could you show me an example screen where where I should put the “display: none”
    I tried the check out field – additional CSS class but it did not work.
    The front end page where this is shown is the search result page, I only see the code [mphb_checkout]. Should I update it like [mphb_checkout class=”display: none”] ??

    Ad 1 Explaination – My current bookingssystem (which I am migrating to hotelbooking) lack a lot of possibilities to manage my end to end process (payments, invoicing to customer, invoicing with owners of some properties I rent out, etc.). This means I have to use excel for registering certain process related data and “check it frequently for progress”.
    I have bought hotelbooking because of extended functionality of manual payments and useful add ons. I try to get as much as possible reservation + process information in the booking system. The invoicing process is not sufficient due to a particular invoicing situation in Portugal which not allows me to use your solution but I need to make invoices in an approved / certified system by the Portugese tax office. My accountant has that systems and makes my invoices. For every payment I have to request to the account an invoice, wait until he sends it back, then I have to send it to my customer. Sometimes he forgets my request or it takes longer, I have to manage these steps. Similar I need to register my partner invoicing with an owner of some of the houses i rent out. Last year my excel crashed and provide me a lot of headaches, therefore I like to get as much as possible in 1 system, in 1 database with back ups etc.

    Ad 2 – You have new version of hotelbooking with “internal comment fields”, I wanted to check it but my update is not working (see other case for support)
    Perhaps this will support my situation, otherwise pleae upvote for this kind of feature.


    Andre Flores

    Hello Maurice,

    1). Not really, you need to find out the added field class and add display: none; to this specific class, e.g.:

    .mphb-customer-pets-info-guests.mphb-textarea-control {
    	display: none;

    Use the Inspect Element feature of your browser to find the class out: https://prnt.sc/y8wzbf. The code must be added under Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS in your dashboard.

    2). Looks like the issue has been resolved and you were finally able to update the plugin.


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