Email Tags

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  • #684410

    Hi all,
    First thank you for all great work this amazing plugin and support for it.
    Second as new user I have couple questions regarding use of this plugin.
    1. %reserved_rooms_details% is there any way to influence return values of that tag mostly interested in removing Kids of this value
    2. is there any way for me to either create or reuse %booking_total_price% . to show 30% prepayment in email ex. %.3booking_total_price%

    Appreciate your help


    Hi Maciej,

    1. Yes, you can try to change that information by going to Dashboard>Accommodation>Settings>Email Settings (tab) and edit Reserved Accommodation Details Template

    2. Currently it is possible to show total price in the email only. You can try adding a note next to total price saying about deposit in the email template.
    We have added your request to our list of features to keep it in mind for further plugin development. We’ll notify you here once we get any news on this.

    Thank you for your feedback and warm words.

    best regards,


    Hi Maciej,

    We are happy to announce about release of new Hotel Booking 3.6.1 version where we have added new tags for email templates: Price Breakdown, Country, State, City, Postcode, Address, Full Guest Name. We notify you as you requested this feature. Here are the other improvements added with 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 versions

    Thank you for collaboration. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further question

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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