Displaying deposit amount in search results

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  • #942938

    I’m sure I must be missing something but for the life of me I can’t see it.

    When performing an availability search the results come back and display the price for the number of nights. I’d like to add the deposit amount into this panel so as well as showing the full price it shows the deposit required to book the accommodation (in my case 30% of the accommodation price.)

    Hopefully this isn’t too big a problem to solve.
    url btw is https://coedmorcottages.co.uk




    Hi, Leigh!

    The displaying of deposit information depends on the confirmation mode enabled under Accommodation Settings. If you set the Confirmation Mode to “Confirmation upon payment”, then the deposit amount will be shown right below the Total booking price: https://prnt.sc/s181d6. Otherwise, there is no need in that, since your Guest will receive the booking confirmed e-mail (if using “Confirmation by admin”) and the e-mail with link to pay the deposit and all the needed information included.



    Hi Andre

    “Otherwise, there is no need in that, since your Guest will receive the booking confirmed e-mail (if using “Confirmation by admin”) and the e-mail with link to pay the deposit and all the needed information included.”

    I just saw this ticket. I created another ticket on this subject # 989038, I am very interested on how to manage the deposit in “confirm by admin” mode. for now, the email that the plugin sent concerns the total amount and not the calculated deposit amount.



    He, Christelle!

    I can see you have been already replied regarding this matter, do not hesitate to reply back in this topic in case you have any further concerns.


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