Display Single Accommodation Type Book button

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  • #1078354
    Lee Collier

    I am currently listing my accommodation types on individual pages, all good so far. However the “Book” option takes me to a booking form for that particular accommodation type, the booking form page is not taking the global header and footer width settings and displaying a sidebar I do not want. Any ideas how to edit the booking-form?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Lee,

    The “Book” button redirects you to a single accommodation type page, which has its own layout. You may edit that page using directions from this article.


    Lee Collier

    Ok thanks for that I am currently using the Divi theme do you have instructions for editing the single accommodation type page in Divi?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Lee,

    It should be similar to editing with Elementor:
    – install MotoPress & Divi Integration add-on
    – enable the Developer Mode under Accommodation ->Settings
    – make sure Accommodation Types are enabled for editing in Divi settings

    You will be able to set any desired layout/template for accommodation type pages after that. Please note that you will need to insert availability calendar and booking form shortcodes:


    The ID’s of accommodation types should be fetched automatically for each accommodation type.


    Carla Orriols
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    Carla Orriols
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Andre Flores
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    Carla Orriols

    Hi Andre, exactly, the title and photo of the accommodation don’t dissapeard…even i add the “removes”…why the divi integration is not working?

    Carla Orriols

    The pages are misconfigured and i can’t have it as a blank page…https://hostallesfonts.com/accommodation/habitacio-doble/

    Andre Flores

    Hello Carla,

    In order to get rid of the gallery add the following code to your theme functions.php file:

    remove_action( 'mphb_render_single_room_type_metas', array( '\MPHB\Views\SingleRoomTypeView','renderGallery' ), 10 );

    If you need to remove the title and the featured image as well, add the following code under Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS:

    .single-mphb_room_type .post-thumbnail.mphb-single-room-type-post-thumbnail {
    	display: none;
    .single-mphb_room_type .mphb-room-type-title.entry-title {
    	display: none;


    Carla Orriols

    Hi Andre, i already have this on my funtions.php:

    //Featured gallery:
    remove_action( ‘mphb_render_single_room_type_metas’, array( ‘\MPHB\Views\SingleRoomTypeView’,
    ‘renderGallery’ ), 10 );

    //Attributes (Details):
    remove_action( ‘mphb_render_single_room_type_metas’, array( ‘\MPHB\Views\SingleRoomTypeView’,
    ‘renderAttributes’ ), 20 );

    //Default Price:
    remove_action( ‘mphb_render_single_room_type_metas’, array( ‘\MPHB\Views\SingleRoomTypeView’,
    ‘renderDefaultOrForDatesPrice’ ), 30 );

    //Availability Calendar:
    remove_action( ‘mphb_render_single_room_type_metas’, array( ‘\MPHB\Views\SingleRoomTypeView’,
    ‘renderCalendar’ ), 40 );

    //Reservation Form:
    remove_action( ‘mphb_render_single_room_type_metas’, array( ‘\MPHB\Views\SingleRoomTypeView’,
    ‘renderReservationForm’ ), 50 );

    And the accommodation page shows like this: https://hostallesfonts.com/accommodation/habitacio-doble/ all you see at the end (after the first availavility calendar) is duplicate has appear after enable the Developer Mode under Accommodation ->Settings. what is wrong?? thank you

    Andre Flores

    Hello Carla,

    Kindly submit a request to our Help Desk providing temporary access to WordPress dashboard, so we take a closer look a the issue.


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