Booking confirmation page has error: "This site can’t be reached…

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Booking confirmation page has error: "This site can’t be reached…

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  • #756055

    I believe I have followed the documentation and selected the correct system pages and have the correct shortcodes to enable a reservation to be made. Pages 18 to 24 of the supplied pdf document and followed the settings used on the Villagio demo site.

    I am using a local WAMP server on my PC.

    In Accommodations > Settings > General I have selected Confirmation by Admin manually; not selected “Enable search form to recommend the best set of accommodations according to a number of guests” and selected “Skip Search Results”

    I can make a manual reservation on the calendar in the admin area under Bookings.

    But I can’t make a booking from the Accommodation-type post (e.g. http://pagebuild.test/accommodation/ah-moy/ ) The Form checks and confirms the availability, the ‘Confirm Reservation’ button appears. Then on the https://pagebuild.test/booking-confirmation/booking-confirmed/ URL I get an error message: “This site can’t be reached pagebuild.test refused to connect…Cannot locate the Internet server of proxy server.”

    I tried deleting the booking-confirmed page and creating a new page. The New page could be viewed (as a child of the Booking Confirmation page with url:/booking-confirmation/booking-confirmed/ ); but after the “confirm Reservation” button is clicked on the Accommodation-type post; this URL /booking-confirmation/booking-confirmed/ always gives the ” this site can’t be reached…” error. Deleting the cache did not remove the error.

    Any suggestions? I am using motopress-hotel-booking-3.0.2 with the latest version of WP and with Genesis installed and a genesis theme.




    Once you hit Confirm Reservation button you should be redirected to Booking Confirmation page. This page should contain shortcode [mphb_checkout]
    Make sure you have selected proper page with the shortcode above as Checkout Page within Accommodation>Settings.

    best regards,
    John Davis


    This was a mystery error. I had to delete the plugin, and start all over with a new WP site (on my local serer). Could not determine what caused the error, so just hope it doesn’t occur again!


    Hi Christine,

    Thank you for your follow up.

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