Block Dates Issue

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  • #1172613


    I blocked out a specific date in Booking Rules so that guests were unable to check-in, check-out or stay on that day. However, even with these rules in place an AirBnB customer was able to make a booking that checked out that day.

    They weren’t able to stay or check-in that day, but check-out was allowed. Is there something I am doing wrong or is the blocking not working correctly for third party sites?


    Andre Flores

    Hello Robert,

    The issue is when adding a block in the Hotel Booking, all the selected dates are taken into account (blocked). However, when exporting such blocks to third-party platforms, e.g. AirBnB, the last date is considered as check-out date, so it is available for booking at AirBnb, the same is with the first date, which is considered as the check-in date and therefore the check-out is possible on that date in AirBnB.
    We do have a request regarding this matter passed to our developers for further consideration, however, it will not likely be worked on in the near future, as our developers are currently busy with other priority tasks.
    For now it is recommended to block out desired dates on external platforms as well in order to avoid booking rules overlapping.


    Janina Weghorn

    I saw that there is option what may synchronize in ical. For example my fevered option “do not send blocks”. If you do not have updated your calendar on your website you will send block rooms.
    This is great option and I do not see yet Booking or Airbnb providing it.
    By the way how you manage your bookings on desktop, tablet or phone. What programs you’re using, I wonder.


    Thanks for the info Andre. I will keep that in mind.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Robert,

    You are most welcome, I am glad I could help.


    Ryan Labelle

    Thank you. Any movement on this one? 🙂

    J. Davis

    Hi, there is no news on this at the moment.

    Vojtěch Žoha


    because buffer time is not exported (discussed here) I wanted to create block dates before and after reservation manually. But these block dates are not also exported correctly. I can crete block date before reservation, but it is not possible to create block date after reservation, there is one day difference between block date and export date.

    I think that exported dates of block dates should be same as on Hotel booking calendar. When I set block dates from 7 Aug to 17 August, the export should be from 7 Aug to 18 Aug.

    Please fix it.

    Vojtech Zoha.

    J. Davis

    Hi Vojtěch, thanks for your feedback. Your upvote has been added.

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