WPML Translating Plugin Strings

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    I can see that WPML provides string translation under WPML / String Translation. When I search, I only find the English translation and when a site is already using a different .PO file (Example motopress-hotel-booking-fr_FR.po), how do you translate thosre strings into multiple langauges for the switcher?

    Here are my settings:

    Accommodation / Settings / Confirm Booking = By Admin Manually.

    So when a booking is completed, the user is redirected to booking-confirmation/?step=booking and the text says:

    Réservation soumise

    Nous avons reçu votre demande de réservation. Une fois confirmée, nous vous en informerons par courriel.

    as per : motopress-hotel-booking-fr_FR.po

    but I would like to translate this for the English users with WPML.

    Is this possible?


    Hi Ryan,

    This question is rather related to WPML plugin and its localization options. This string should be available in English by default and it does not require additional translation. If you want to change it you should refer to WPML documentation to learn how to edit translation of default language.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Good point. I’ll reach out to WPML. Thanks!

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