Synchronization, wp cron event

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  • #1403224
    J. Davis

    Hi Eva,

    It rather depends on on how often they import bookings from your site. The interval of 15 minutes means that the plugin imports bookings from third-party platforms every 15 minutes.
    When any booking is canceled you may log in to and manually sync calendars.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Ciaran Meagher


    Our calendar synchronisation between MotoPress and / airbnb has been working perfectly for over a year. In the last few days, this has stopped working, for no apparent reason.

    The WP error logs show the following:

    [24-Feb-2025 18:47:06 UTC] Cron unschedule event error for hook: mphb_ical_sync_cron, Error code: could_not_set, Error message: The cron event list could not be saved., Data: {“schedule”:”mphb_ical_sync_cron_interval”,”args”:[],”interval”:300}

    Please assist as it is imperative we get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

    J. Davis

    Hi Ciaran,

    You may try to follow the steps below to enable the synchronization:

    – navigate to Accommodation > Settings and find settings of synchronization at the bottom of the page.
    – uncheck the option called Enable automatic external calendars synchronization and Save changes
    – then check/activate this option Enable automatic external calendars synchronization and select the time of the first synchronization by UTC time adding + 2 minutes from now using the Clock option.
    – Save changes and wait for 2 or 3 minutes and then check logs of synchronization (Calendar Sync Status link at the top admin bar) to learn whether the synchronization worked. It is also recommended to clear the logs if there are stored too many recordings. So it is better to set the options Day or Week for automatic removal of the logs.

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