would like to know what is entered on the mphb_check_in_date and out

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking would like to know what is entered on the mphb_check_in_date and out

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  • #1601849
    Giovanni Luigi Mascia

    Is it possible to see what dates people are searching for on the website? We get quite a lot of people who end up on the ‘results’ page, but I also want to be able to see what dates people are looking for.

    Very briefly, I would like to know what is entered on the mphb_check_in_date and the mphb_check_out_date when people click on ‘search’.

    <input id=”mphb_check_in_date-661b98ada1f3e-hidden” value=”” type=”hidden” name=”mphb_check_in_date” /><input id=”mphb_check_out_date-661b98ada1f3e-hidden” value=”” type=”hidden” name=”mphb_check_out_date” />
    <p class=”mphb_widget_search-submit-button-wrapper”>
    <input type=”submit” class=”button” value=”Zoeken”/>

    J. Davis

    Hi Mathijs,
    Thanks for your question. When the visitor makes a search he goes to the search results page and the link of this page includes a search query with check-in and check-out dates. So you may check your analytics whether you can view those links with search queries.
    There are no other options to track this information yet.

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