WooCommerce 3.0 Update Breaks Emmet Theme

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    Here is the web url to our shop: https://briosmartlife.com/shop/

    After the last WordPress something has gone hinky with the layout of the Shop page. Everything got shifted and the footer is now jacked up.

    Anyone have a simple solution for how to address this issue?



    We are almost ready to publish newer version with a fix. We’ll do our best to release it by the end of this week.
    We are terribly sorry for inconveniences.

    Best regards,


    What is the status of the EMMET PRO THEME update.

    It is now JUNE 8th and the Emmet Pro Theme is still not updated to be compatible with the WooCommerce 3 Platform. The Shop page layout is broken, gallery for shop individual products broken etc. I am sure you have heard all about it.

    THANK YOU & I appreciate your help and I am trying to be patient since April on this issue.

    Best Regards,



    I’m sorry I was about to update this topic with information that we released a new version yesterday. Please check theme license activation and update it.
    Let me know if it was helpful.

    Best regards,


    I have recently updated my licenses (Except editor as I will probably doing the Membership) and have not seen it except the new woocommerce version 3.0.8 update. It stills does the following when I update:
    – Product Gallery broken.
    – Product Title CSS broken

    I have since reverted back to the Version 2.6.14 to keep everything in order until further notice.

    Thanks again for all your help ahead of time


    Hi Jose,

    It should work properly with latest version of Emmet theme. Please submit a request describing theme and plugin (Emmet Theme Engine) versions.

    Best regards,


    Yes I see what you mean, I am now trying to install latest version of Emmet theme. Is there any basic procedures I should follow as I have a Pro Child Theme as Well installed?


    Hi John,
    I have logged into my Account and downloaded the 1.6.0 Theme from there. I assume that is correct?

    Should I also download the PRO Child Theme? Has that changed in any way?

    Lastly, The changelog hasn’t been updated on the site. I am not sure what has changed or if my WooCommerce issues are being targeted without a declaration in the changelog. Without it I can only hope that by going through the Theme Update process Ill see a result I like.

    What can you tell us?

    Mike H


    Hi Jose and Mike,

    You should just make sure that license of theme is activated to get notification about new version under Dashboard>Updates. Then you should just click update button and wait when it is done. You do not need to update Child Theme.
    It is recommended to backup WordPress and database before update to be able to recover site if something goes wrong. You can update theme as there are no sufficient changes.
    We’ll post release notes soon.

    Best regards,


    Hi John,
    I wanted you to know that I got the theme updated (a few weeks back) but I had to redo the homepage :/ . The childtheme needed to be updated too. The css wasn’t saved from the last update either. I guess things moved?

    I had my in-house designer take a look at it and he restored the css for the child theme.

    Have you heard similar reports on this update (child broken) situation?

    Mike H.


    Hi Mike,

    I’m sorry for a delay. No, we did not get any request like this. We did not change class names, etc. You could loose changes at Front page only if the theme folder was renamed or changed. For example it happens when one set up theme using Lite version then upgraded to Pro, install it and he must set up the Front page again. Also Child Theme differ for lite and pro versions.

    Best regards,


    I have 2 sites using the emmet theme with woocommerce and my shop pages are all screwed up. I check the theme updates religiously and I never get a new one. Both of my themes are stuck on version 1.4.3. What do I need to do to fix this mess?



    Hi Steve,

    You need to update your theme to latest version. If you purchased theme at our website you should check if theme license is activated successfully. Then you will get a notification about new theme version available. You can find your license at your account
    If you can not see Theme License section under your WordPress Dashboard>Appearance then you might purchase theme from one of market places. Then you should go to market place where you purchased theme and download newer version. Then you should upload updated files to your server via FTP.
    You can also contact our support team if you need assistance with this.

    best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Stephen,

    No, you do not need to purchase theme again. You just had to contact the market place where you purchased theme and ask them to restore links for certain order.
    But I’ve just contacted your market place and they have restored links to download theme for you. Please try to download theme now.

    Best regards,

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