WooCommerce 3.0 Update Breaks Emmet Theme

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    Just attempted a test update of the new WooCommerce 3.0 upgrade and several features of the Emmet Theme break with this update.

    – Product Gallery broken.
    – Product Title CSS broken

    These are just the things I’ve noticed immediately. I will update as I find additional problems.


    Hello Michaela,

    Thank you for notifying us. We’ll do our best to adjust theme for WooCommerce update as soon as it is possible.

    Best regards,


    I paid for the Emmet PRO Theme Jan 30th, 2017, installed it and the child theme for pro and now after WooCommerce 3.0 update my store is broken.

    When is the update coming for this THEME? My store is going to have to be restored and I need a timeline.

    How do I get a hold of your support team?

    Mike H


    Hello Mike,

    We are terribly sorry for inconveniences. We would recommend to installed previous version of WooCommerce till we update theme. You can get previous version of plugin (2.6.14) at the bottom of this page
    We are terribly sorry for temporary inconveniences.

    Best regards,


    The Giga Store template suffers from the same problem. Reverting to version 2.6.14 of Woocommerce solved this.


    How do you “Revert” back to a previous version ??
    Mike H



    All themes have faced the issue after WooCommerce update. You should download it at this page (scroll to the bottom, select it and download) http://prntscr.com/eyrbxb
    Then upload it instead of current WooCommerce via FTP connection or by uninstall new version and install previous one.

    Best regards,


    Regarding broken Emmet Theme where WooCommerce Update is concerned:

    The plugin is not attaching the “container” class for their product listing. This can be added in , but I rather expect it to be patched. There is no option on the back-end to turn on “full-width” either. Wondering if WooCommerce dev’s can validate these issues as it pertains to your themes?

    Emmet Pro:
    Two files on the Theme have to be looked at. One is the Blog-default.php. It sets up the shell to fill with whatever plugin needs it, then WooCommerce opens within the shell. The “container” class is missing , but injecting it fixes everything immediately.


    Mike H.


    Hello Mike,

    We are working on this issue and it is of high priority for us. We kindly as you to wait for updated version of Emmet theme. It will be released soon.

    Best regards,
    MotoPress Team


    I have got issue too. And I want to know what’s time do you release new version to fixed that problem?


    Hi Do,

    We are finishing working on it and start testing. We’ll notify you here when it is released. Currently you can roll back to previous version of WooCommerce plugin. Thank you for understanding.

    Best regards,


    Any updates? I have a couple of minor display issues using Emmet Lite:
    -Category pages display VERY large images
    -Side bar disappeared on category pages
    -Footer at category pages scrolls down quite a lot
    and a few more


    Hello Elias,

    Thank you for you message. We know about the issue and are working on it. Please read the above replies to learn how to roll back to previous version of WooCommerce till we release updated for Emmet.

    Best regards,


    Hello John,

    any updates as to when there will be an update on Emmet?

    To which version of Woocommerce exactly we should rollback?

    Please also let me know if the pro version of Emmet has these issues fixed as we also considering going pro. This is such a great theme, lightweight and functional we really don’t want to change it.

    Many thanks in advance for your time…



    When can we reasonably expect to see this role out? Do you have a projected “finish” date?

    Mike H

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