Variable Pricing NOT Working

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  • #999915
    Amanda Heisel

    I have been working for over a month to try and get the variable pricing to enable for my rental. I have a base rate and any additional person there is an extra fee. I have enabled the variable pricing and followed the documentation on setting that up for each of my seasons/rate brackets to increase the price per person up to my maximum limit for the rental. When I try to test out if everything is working it only shows the base rate as the fee and doesn’t increment the price for the extra “guests”. I am choosing to disable the “child” language in the site and use the term guests instead. My guess there is something with this that is driving the problem but I can’t seem to drive resolution. Is anyone else experiencing a similar issue?

    Mary Evans

    Hello Amanda,

    For the variable prices to be applied at the Checkout page, please, make sure to select the needed number of Guests / Adults & Children at the Checkout.
    In case it does not help, feel free to submit a ticket here and provide login details & website URL in order to have a closer look at the issue from your back-end and assist you personally.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    Samantha Parry

    I ahve been having the same problem but found that the solution lies in the Accommodation Types settings – Eg Added 2 adults and 1 child and left total blank. Then get the option to add children at checkout which increases the amount charged

    Andre Flores

    Hello Samntha,

    Thank you for sharing your insights, I hope it will help other users with similar issues.


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