Variable Pricing

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  • #804727

    Hi there,
    Is there an option to charge more for reservations shorter than certain amount of days, Sort of a fixed “Short term stay fee” for booking under 3 days long??
    Similar option is available in Fees, but it charges up to limit of days and stay fixed over that limit.
    I wonder if there’s a work around for it to charge daily/per accomodation up to limit of days, but once the booking is longer than limit don’t charge the fee at all.
    Apologies if my essay is confusing, english is obviously my second language.


    Hi Maciej,

    Thank you for your question however there is not an option for situation you described rather than adding variable pricing. Or you may add separate Rate for short stay period but then guests should select the proper rate by themselves on the checkout page.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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