Stripe and identifying bookings made in WordPress

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    I see that with the latest update of Hotel Booking, booking charges that pass into our hotel’s Stripe account include the email address of the guest.

    Is there any way to pass the Booking ID in WordPress / Hotel Booking to the entry in Stripe that records/collects the charge? We are in a situation where institutions we are connected with make multiple bookings for people in a day. It would be great if some other identifying field could relate the Booking entry in Motopress / WordPress and the entry for the charge for that booking in Stripe.



    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Blacksun Design.

    Hi Steve, for now the Booking ID can not be passed to Stripe, but thank you for this suggestion. Our team of developers will check whether it is possible and in case it is we will add this feature to one of our future updates.


    This would be a very practical new function.

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