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  • #386045
    Mark Bell

    Hi, guys. I hope you can help. I notrice that in the original slider images (with the safe and piggy bank) come in three different sizes, one for each of the most common viewports. I have changed the images but cannot seem to see where to assign each of these three sizes, ideally, I’d like help with that.

    I have had a look at other sliders, I have one in mind, Soliloquy it’s called but I wonder if I will be able to implement it with the way that the whole front page is built in the customiser? I have customized several templates before but have always stuck to the Cherry Plugin. The profit theme gripped me for my current project but it’s not what I am used to by any means. Any help on either, or both of these issues would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,


    J. Davis

    Hi Mark,

    I’m not really sure I understand your question correctly. Could you specify your request more detailed providing screenshot or examples? Where could you see images of 3 different sizes? Thank you

    Best regards,

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