Search Field Shortcode as Calendar

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  • #853018

    I am trying to make the user experience of a website with only a single accommodation type more effective. The search form when clicked brings up a calendar view where the dates can be selected, however, I’d like for it to just show the calendar and that they select the check-in date and the minimum stay rule will automatically set the checkout date.

    Similar to availability calendar but where it actually allows for the dates to be selected on the calandar would be great!


    Hi Byron,

    Yes, it is possible to hide the check-out field from search form adding the style below:

    	display:none !important;

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Hi, I would also like to have this option, where they select the dates on the calendar and remove the checkout date field.
    The code provided removes the checkout date field, but doesn’t show how to display the calendar, so there is no way for the guest to select their checkout date and it breaks the form.
    How do I achieve this properly?


    Hi Owen,

    At the moment it is possible to select check in and check out date using 2 fields. There is not an option to select range of dates withing single calendar. Though we will keep your request in mind and let you know if we have any news.

    The option that I offered can be applied for [mphb_availability id=777] shortcode. You will need to replace 777 with ID of your accommodation type and enable Skip Search results option at Accommodation > Settings. Thus you will be able to place a form of your property and let your guests to check availability staying on the same page and without visiting search results page.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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