Running into a few problems

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  • #760703

    Problem #1

    I have created 4 different accommodation types – one for each of the 4 cabins we have. I then assigned each one to an accommodation. However, only 1 of the accommodations is actually showing any data (such as calendar, amenities, etc.) beyond the description I created for it in WordPress.

    Problem #2

    On the one accommodation where it seems to be working, the “Prices start at” number is wrong. It’s not the lowest number in the price variations.

    Problem #3

    Also on this accommodation, the “Check availability” button does not check the availability of that accommodation, but redirects to the search page and checks the availability of ALL accommodations for the selected dates.

    Suggestions for improvement

    Price breakdown on the checkout page should be expanded by default for the first (or only) accommodation. I only figured out it was expandable by accident. Also, on this page – the rate would be better displayed as Rate: [rate title] – [season] since the season is what determines a higher price for the category.


    is it possible to pay the difference, to upgrade from having just the booking plugin to getting one of your themes that is compatible with it?


    Hello Kevin,

    1. make sure you have created a rate for accommodation types without calendar and form to check availability.

    2. prices start at shows Base Price – the price without variations (stay period or guests)

    3. You may enable Direct Booking to skip search results page when you check availability of certain property. For this navigate to Dashboard>Accommodation>Settings and enable the following option Skip Search Results

    4. Thank you for your suggestions. We’ll think it over.

    5. Yes, you may upgrade from Hotel Booking plugin to rental theme paying half price of the theme.

    best regards,
    J. Davis


    Hi Kevin,

    I ran into the same problem about ”prices starting at” not being the lowest price. I found the solution. You go to accommodations>settings>general tab>scroll down to “show lowest price for” >enter the number of days.

    I set it to 365 days so the person can see the lowest price for the year.

    Still trying to learn how to use this plugin, too.

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